OPINION on the Final Qualification Work of Kuznetsova Alexandra Vasilyevna, a student at St. Petersburg State University, level of education – Master, main educational program: ВМ.5848.2020 «Transnational Legal Practice (in English) “WTO DISPUTE SETTLEMENT SYSTEM: REFORM AND DEVELOPMENT” The author of the Final qualification work, Kuznetsova Alexandra Vasilyevna, has chosen an important and up-to-date research topic in the field of international trade law, which addresses the current crisis of the dispute settlement system of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and possible ways to reform it. The WTO dispute settlement mechanism was recognized as a successful and efficient mechanism of resolution of trade disputes between States. In recent years, however, it faced numerous challenges, which include the paralysis the of Appellate Body caused by the acts of one WTO Member. The author first introduces the WTO dispute settlement mechanism and discusses eventual jurisdictional conflicts with regional systems of dispute settlement. She then turns to the grounds of the Appellate Body crisis and discusses possible solutions. In addition to this, the author addresses numerous issues of developing States’ participation in WTO dispute settlement. The manuscript shows the ability of the author to conduct independent legal research. She used numerous relevant academic publications by Russian and foreign scholars and a considerable number of WTO documents and regional trade agreements. One of the strong sides of the work is the extensive use of decisions of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body. The author was interested in his research topic, he was open to discussion, well organized and ready to work on the text. It is worth noting that the topic is rather challenging, as it touches upon numerous issues, which are currently being discussed in different fora, and the author was ready to address them. The manuscript is well organized and consistent with legal style. Grammar is correct. Scientific terminology is adequately defined and used. The Final qualification work of Kuznetsova Alexandra Vasilyevna meets all necessary requirements for such papers, can be admitted to the public defence and deserves a high positive grade. 24 May 2023 Associate Professor, Ph.D. M.P. Trunk-Fedorova