Liu Xingcheng entered her master's program after completing her undergraduate degree in Environmental Design at Guilin Polytechnic University. The topic of her master's thesis on the reorganization of the landscape design of an existing hospitality facility continues the focus of her bachelor's thesis. In order to develop the topic, Liu Xingcheng studied the principles of landscape design of similar objects, analyzed domestic and foreign literature, collected practical materials on the research topic, made the necessary generalizations and conclusions. The relevance of the study is due, on the one hand, to the problems of operation and actualization of the territory of a particular facility, and on the other hand, the development of the hospitality industry as a significant area of the economy and culture, requiring the formation of new approaches and concepts, which has become an object of sustainable professional interest for the author. Liu Xingcheng demonstrated the ability to analyze and systematize the collected information, as well as the ability to propose and develop original ways to implement the proposed ideas. In the work on the graphic part of the dissertation, the mastery of all the tools of the environment designer is shown. Liu Xingcheng worked according to the schedule, regularly demonstrated the stages of work at intermediate reviews, and actively responded to the comments and recommendations of supervisors and teachers at general reviews. Supervisor: Senior Lecturer, Department of Design, St. Petersburg State University: Petrashen Evgenia Pavlovna.