St. Petersburg State Univercity 54.04.01 "Design" direction Basic educational program BM.5065 "Environmental Design" REVIEW OF THE SUPERVISOR about the master student Van Yaotin Subject of qualification work: The design principles of urban thematic landscape parks on the example of Jian'an district in Wuhan City Wang Yaoting studied in the master's degree program at St. Petersburg State University of Environmental Design from 2021 and in carrying out research work has shown himself as a responsible and dedicated student. All materials of the qualification research are made out in accordance with the requirements, completed in full and on time. The supervisor's comments were taken into account. While writing his dissertation Van Yaotin studied a large volume of scientific and methodical literature and analyzed both domestic and international experience in the construction of theme parks. This allowed him to develop design principles and strategies that take into account the balance between traditional and modern cultural integration in the theme park. They were tested by Yaoting in the development of the Eastern Tea Port Park, reflecting the history and culture of the Wuhan Tea Route. The student's positive skills of thoughtful elaboration of the creative tasks, as well as his artistic abilities allowed him to achieve high graphic level results in the design part. The system of principles of cultural theme parks developed by him and put into practice is not only important for the sustainable urban development in Wuhan, but is also the basis for the creation of cultural theme parks and the development of cultural heritage in China. The improvement of the Russian language will contribute to Wang Yaoting's application of his analytical and artistic abilities for the cultural sphere within the framework of the development and interaction of Russia and China. All of the above allows us to characterize Wang Yaoting as a formed specialist in environmental design at the level of master, and his work as worthy of high praise. Supervisor: Kunitskaya Natalia Viktorovna, external lecturer at St. Petersburg State University Architect, head of the architectural bureau "PREGOLA". Date: "29" June 2023 Signed: Municipal - N.V.Kunitskaya