REVIEW OF THE SUPERVISOR ON FINAL QUALIFYING WORK undergraduate student Gudzenko Alina Artemovna Direction 09.03.03 "Applied informatics" Topic of the WRC: Development of a mobile Android application for organizing events and meetings Relevance. Currently, there is an avalanche-like growth in the number of different platforms, an integral part of which is to ensure the interaction of subscribers of the platform with each other, therefore, an application designed to support events is certainly relevant. Content: the work is devoted to the implementation of a full cycle of development of a mobile application designed to support meetings and events. It was assumed that the application being developed could become the basis for the implementation of a fragment of a larger application, this circumstance determined the requirements for functionality – only basic features should be present in the application. Based on this, the requirements for the application were formulated as follows: "The application must function on a mobile device, have a visual cartographic interface, allow you to assign events in real time, exchange messages with possible participants and provide the user with information about events and their status." The condition of the possibility of modifying and embedding the developed application into a larger one required the student to analyze modern architectural solutions for building mobile applications and justify their choice, the choice of a development environment, a mapping platform and a DBMS. Solving these tasks allowed Alina to successfully implement the project and bring it to a working application During the implementation of the WRC, Alina Gudzenko showed independence in decision-making, responsibility, high qualifications, which allowed her to optimize the work process at all stages and get a professional-level result in real time. Alina proved herself as an established professional who is able to solve complex complex technical and creative tasks. She will be able to successfully apply the acquired knowledge and skills in various areas related to the creation of mobile applications. The final work speaks of a high professional level and creative potential. The work of Alina Artemovna Gudzenko meets all the requirements for final qualifying works and deserves high praise. Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems in the Arts and Humanities Shcherbakov Pavel Petrovich