REVIEW OF THE SUPERVISOR ON FINAL QUALIFYING WORK undergraduate student Naimov Arsen Direction 09.03.03 "Applied informatics" Topic of the WRC: "Development of an interactive installation using generative animation based on a particle system" Relevance. Currently, there is an increase in the number of various events, an integral part of which is the presence of multimedia installations. Creating a tool that allows you to generate multimedia animated effects is certainly in demand, and therefore the topic of the work is relevant. Content: the work is devoted to the creation of an application that provides dynamic control of a particle system based on streaming audio. The key requirements for the application being developed were performance that ensures high quality and real-time rendering, and the flexibility to configure special effects During the implementation of the project, Arsen conducted an analysis of the current state in the field of creating interactive multimedia installations. Based on it, I selected the tools for the implementation of the project and justified the final choice. In accordance with the chosen application architecture, libraries for working with streaming audio were specified, mathematical models were proposed for converting the defined parameters of the input audio stream into parameters that will serve as the basis for generating particle systems, and suitable visualization methods were selected. Arsen implemented two versions of particle systems generated based on the obtained parameters. As a result, an application was created that analyzes the input audio stream and dynamically calculates the values of a set of parameters transmitted to the visualization system. The application operator has the ability to switch between available visualizers or combinations of them during the entire operation time (potentially, a virtual mixing console is being created). During the implementation of the WRC, Arsen Naimov showed independence in decision-making, responsibility, high qualifications, which allowed him to get a professional-level result in real time. Arsen proved himself as an established professional who is able to solve complex complex technical and creative tasks. He will be able to successfully apply the acquired knowledge and skills in various areas related to the creation of multimedia applications. The final work speaks of a high professional level and creative potential. Arsen Naimov's work meets all the requirements for final qualifying works and deserves high praise. Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems in the Arts and Humanities Shcherbakov Pavel Petrovich