The merits of Sherstneva Ekaterina Dmitrievna graduate qualification work should include the relevance of the research associated with the growth in popularity among Russian tourists of new routes and new tourist offers in recent years. The work is an independent study. When writing the work, the author showed efficiency in the search and analysis of a variety of sources of information and a good command of modern research methods. The content of the work as a whole corresponds to the assigned task. The material in the work is presented with the observance of internal logic. Despite a rather weak study of the subject in the known literature the author collected and processed a large amount of material, which allowed to conduct a comprehensive study. A distinctive feature of the graduate qualification work is its good information content. A significant amount of available material and data has been collected and processed, which allowed to successfully conduct a study of ornithological tourism as a phenomenon, to study the prerequisites for the development and possible prospects of this type of activity in the Baikal region and to consider the issues of organizing the current tourist offer. The proposed recommendations for the development of ornithological tourism in the Baikal region are presented taking into account the specific needs of tourists and can be taken into account in the development of the tourism industry in the region. During the work the author showed high motivation in writing the final qualification work and competence in the field of tourism. Conclusion of the supervisor. Sherstneva Ekaterina Dmitrievna's work corresponds to all the requirements for the graduate qualification work and deserves the highest mark in case of successful defense.