The theme of the graduation qualification thesis: The safety the chlorophyll-like compounds in humic substances micelles The author: Khrapova Ekaterina Petrovna Institute of Earth Sciences (Saint Petersburg State University) Department of soil science and soil ecology The basic educational programme: 021900 “Soil Science” The level: Bachelor studies The scientific adviser: Popov Alexander Ivanovich, Institute of Earth Sciences, professor, professor in rank, ScD agricultural science Noted work advantages: E.P. Khrapova has coped with performance of experimental work tantalizingly. Skillfully this student used both analytical methods, and the modern equipment. E.P. Khrapova has independently conducted all pilot studies. Set the purpose and the tasks she has carried out completely. Noted work shortcomings: Some negligence of registration of bibliographic references is present at text of the graduation qualification thesis. The conclusion of the scientific adviser: Khrapova Ekaterina Petrovna is quite trained professional in the field of soil science, and she can be recommended for continuation of training in magistracy The scientific adviser: A. I. Popov "19" May 2016 y.