REVIEW OF THE SUPERVISOR ON FINAL QUALIFYING WORK undergraduate student Mirkhaev Ilnar Ildarovich Direction 09.03.03 "Applied informatics" Topic of the WRC: "Development of a prototype of a competitive multiplayer game" Relevance. Currently, there is an active development of esports and related related activities. An additional impetus to the development of esports was provided by the Covid-19 pandemic, when a vast audience of users was forced to move their activities to the virtual space. This affected not only the audience, but also the participants of the competition themselves, who acquired a virtual component. From this point of view, the creation of a multiplayer competitive game is certainly relevant. Content: the work is devoted to the implementation of a full cycle of development of a gaming application designed to support virtual competitions. The very formulation of the problem implies the need to use distributed computing with tracking collisions related to the network interactions of participants and the joint competitive use of shared resources. These features of the task were taken into account by Ilnar at the design stage of the application architecture and were carefully monitored during the project implementation. A peer-to-peer network was chosen as the basic architecture of network interaction, which makes it possible to simplify the interaction of small groups of participants and there is no need to constantly maintain the application server. Along with the ability to implement the overall architecture of the application, Ilnar showed his capabilities in solving specific technical problems. So, having chosen archery as a basic sport, the student integrated the specific features of archery into the gameplay. The student's adopted isolation of participating objects from each other and from the local environment made it possible to potentially simplify the dynamic connection of players to the game session and solve scaling problems. In the process of doing the WRC, Ilnar showed independence in decision-making, high qualifications, which allowed him to get a professional-level result in real time. Ilnar proved himself to be an established professional who is able to solve complex complex technical and creative tasks. She will be able to successfully apply the acquired knowledge and skills in various areas related to the creation of mobile applications. The final work speaks of a high professional level and creative potential. The work of Mirkhaev Ilnar Ildarovich meets all the requirements for final qualifying works in the direction of 09.03.03. "Applied Informatics, and deserves high praise", and its author deserves the qualification "bachelor". Ph.D., Associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Information Systems in the Arts and Humanities Shcherbakov Pavel Petrovich