REVIEW OF THE SUPERVISOR ON FINAL QUALIFYING WORK undergraduate student of the Southerner Artem Alexandrovich Direction 09.03.03 "Applied informatics" Topic of the WRC: "Creating a game level in the genre "2.5D Platformer" in the Unreal Engine 5 game engine" Relevance. Currently, due to the proliferation of mobile devices, there is an increase in the number of different 2D-style games. However, the requirements for technology and greater expressiveness force developers to use 3D content. The solution to this dilemma can be the developing 2.5D format, which preserves the style of 2D games and extols the expressiveness of 3D solutions, and therefore the topic of the work is relevant. Content: the work is devoted to the creation of a game containing one educational and demonstration level, solved in the style of 2.5D Platformer. During the implementation of the project, Artem conducted an analysis of the current state in the field of creating similar games, an analysis of the specific features of the implementation, the selection of references with clarification of the specific features of the projected level. Based on them, Artem concretized the list of features and properties of the player's avatar, his game antagonists and scene objects. The features of the game process were also specified, such as the possibility of saving, changing such characteristics of participants in the gameplay as "health", "damage" and others. In addition, ways were formed to motivate the player to perform certain actions in order to implicitly explain the features of gameplay - learning. Artem developed a finite automaton that determines the behavior of a game character in different situations, a number of special actions that are not typical of modern games in addition to standard actions, which significantly expanded the variability of player actions. In the process of performing the WRC, the Southerner Artem Alexandrovich showed independence in decision-making, responsibility, high qualifications, which allowed him to get a professional-level result in real time. Artyom proved himself as an established professional who is able to solve complex complex technical and creative tasks. He will be able to successfully apply the acquired knowledge and skills in various areas related to the creation of gaming applications. The final work speaks of a high professional level and creative potential. The work of the Southerner Artem Alexandrovich meets all the requirements for final qualifying works, and deserves high praise. Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems in the Arts and Humanities Shcherbakov Pavel Petrovich