Review for final qualifying work of the student 4 courses Department of mathematical games and statistical decisions Saint Petersburg state University direction of the theory 010400 - "Applied mathematics and Informatics" KASIMOVA Yana on the subject "Game-theoretic model of competition in the field of research and development". Graduation thesis J. A. Kasimova consecrated to the development and improvement of game-theoretic models of patent races to the competition in research and development and software implementation of algorithms for solving models. During performance of the qualification model of patent races of the Poisson type were investigated, in the form of stochastic differential games and discrete Markov patent races type. Based on the analysis of modern state of the problem solution the objectives and tasks required to improve the studied patent races models, algorithms and software implementation of their solution and sensitivity analysis. 1.In his final qualifying work of J. A. Kasimova researched and perfected all 3 types of models and their implemented software solutions in the MathLab. 2.WRC was performed J. A. Kasimova independently with active consultation with the supervisor. She independently developed algorithms to solve the models and their software implementation, conducted the quantitative simulation on the test examples. During the execution of the WRC, the author has shown the necessary theoretical and applied skills and competences acquired in her training period on the program. 3.Separate results were reported at scientific conferences and published 4.Work is generally well-designed in accordance with the requirements. General conclusion: the work of J. A. Kasimova fully meets the requirements for final qualification works in the direction 010400 – "Applied mathematics and Informatics" and deserves the rating "excellent". Supervisor, Candidate of Physical-Mat. Sciences, Associate Professor N. A. Zenkevich 13 may 2016