SAINT PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY REVIEW Head of Graduate Qualification Work student Pechenkina Veronika (Full name) Head of the WRC _Associate Professor Gaevskaya Elena Georgievna (position, surname, name, patronymic) The theme of the final qualification work is "Development of a digital brand strategy in order to improve the efficiency of customer relationship management." Content The WRC consists of an introduction, 10 chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used (18 names of relevant sources) and 3 appendices. The introduction substantiates the relevance of the topic, defines the goal, objectives, object and subject of research, describes the practical significance and sources of initial information. Chapter 1 covers the basic theoretical foundations of digital marketing. Chapter 2 contains an analysis of the selected brand. Chapter 3 is about developing a content plan that reflects your digital strategy. Chapters 5-6 cover the process of creating media files: their content, implementation formats, their capabilities and limitations. Chapters 6-10 describe the implementation of a digital media creation and publishing strategy. In conclusion, the conclusions and perspectives of the study are presented. The attachments display materials created in the course of work: an interview with the employer, the final content plan and links to cloud storage with a collection of multimedia materials created by the WRC author. Practical significance of WRC results The practical significance of the work lies in the implementation of the digital strategy by the author, which led to the expansion of the services of the Relax&Wax laser hair removal brand. The strategy is implemented on the basis of the content plan developed by the author and technological solutions, which the author evaluates as optimal. The results of the advertising campaign can be judged by the positive dynamics of the client base, which, of course, is the merit of the author. However, the dynamics of brand profitability is not reflected in the work. Flaws The project was implemented through the social network VKontakte, Adobe Photoshop Pact and the CupCut video editor at the advanced user level. The text of the WRC sins with verbosity and attention to minor details to the detriment of significant information. I would like the author to show in more detail the dynamics of the brand development, including the growth in profits as a result of the introduction of innovations presented at the WRC. Characteristics of the student's work at the WRC The process of work at the WRC showed the unpreparedness of the student for systematic, purposeful work, which resulted in systematic absences from classes that are critical for studying the subject area of scientific knowledge reflected in the WRC. In this regard, the study and description of the marketing sphere are superficial, declarative, and the use of ICT is carried out at the level of an advanced user. Information about independent developments, publications, internships during the study period was not provided by the author. Head of the graduate qualification work Associate Professor of St. Petersburg State University E.G. Gaevskaya