FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION SAINT-PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY REVIEW of the academic supervisor on the graduate qualification work of Murasheva Maria Dmitrievna (surname, first name, patronymic) Head of the graduate qualification work: Professor Borisov Nikolay Valentinovich (title, last name, first name, patronymic) Topic of the graduate qualification work “Multimedia technologies for creating a popular science film in the field of ecology” Contents of the work The purpose of the work Murasheva M.D. is to study the application of multimedia technologies in the creation of a popular science film in the field of ecology, dedicated to the topic of carbon farms. The relevance of the work is related to the existence of significant problems in climate change and its far-reaching consequences. The theme of the film is related to research in the field of carbon farms and the development of a project for a carbon landfill in the Leningrad Region, carried out at the Department of Applied Ecology of St. Petersburg State University. To participate in the shooting of the film, the head of the Department of Applied Ecology, Doctor of Biological Sciences, was invited as an expert. Abakumov Evgeny Vasilievich. Before the meeting, an own research was carried out, a scenario plan was prepared, a script was worked out, and questions to the expert were formulated and approved, the answers to which would be relevant to the subject of the film. As a result, it is expected that contact will be established between departments for further joint cooperation between departments. Multimedia technologies in non-fiction offer a powerful tool for engaging and educating audiences through compelling audiovisual storytelling. Various multimedia technologies were used in the production of the film: multi-camera shooting, non-linear video editing, animation, sound design and post-production methods. The animation episodes made by Maria Dmitrievna are very competently complemented by the voice-over text. The result of this work was a popular science film about carbon farms. Больше информации об этом исходном тексте Practical Significance. The significance of this work lies in its contribution both to the field of multimedia technologies and to environmental communication. The film, developed as a result of the research, seeks to bridge the gap between scientific research and public understanding of the importance of carbon farms by presenting the intricacies of the sequestration industry in a visual and accessible way. Disadvantages The work does not contain significant shortcomings and comments. However, in the text of the WRC, in the appendices section, there are not enough illustrations of significant episodes of the film. Characteristics of the student's work on the thesis In the process of working on her graduation project, Maria Dmitrievna Murasheva showed herself to be a prepared, creatively thinking specialist, able to combine fantasy with solving technical problems using modern information technologies. In the process of working on her diploma, Maria Dmitrievna showed high demands on herself, responsibility, communication skills and high technical qualifications. Head of the GCR, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Borisov Nikolay Valentinovich (title, last name, first name, patronymic) Signature_________________________________ “__22___” ______May___________ 2023 г.