OPINION research supervisor of final qualification work of Daria Andreevna Chickenboy on the topic "Technologies of public relations of the municipal authorities St. Petersburg" We can safely say that due to their activity and diverse interests within 4 years of training Chichkanova D. A. were able to obtain knowledge and skills in nearly all areas of communication activities. Behind diplomacy and the work of a journalist in a local newspaper, and practice SEO, and business PR and public relations of a public authority. On the same say of the versatility and stability of the tests Daria: "Images of leaders "Norman Quartet" and "the Analysis of consumer market of ice-cream "Nestle" in the North-West region of Russia". It should be noted that in all activities the student showed his natural abilities and hard work. No doubt that specialist, having trained such a wide profile, will find a worthy place in the communication market. Unfortunately, work with the supervisor on the text of the final qualifying work was not regular. Periods of intense joint work were followed by prolonged pauses, and it was during this pause came at a time immediately before the surrender of the study. Therefore we can conclude that the above empirical part and the final form of the FQW Chichkanova D. A. has worked primarily independently. Textual coincidences baccalaureate work from other sources identified by the program Safe Assign, are "technical" character (matches individual phrases, common to studies similar direction, names of researchers etc.) or are correctly documented quotes. Thus, traces of plagiarism in FQW is not seen, she is an independent original research. PhD in philosophy, Assoc. prof. Dorskii A.