REVIEW of Scientific Adviser for the final qualifying work of Shilnikov Dmitry Vladimirovich, Level of Education: Master Degree Field 40.04.01 “Jurisprudence” Main Educational Program “VM.5848.2021 Transnational Legal Practice” «Transformative (potestative) rights, and the legal consequences following a party's unilateral decision to refuse to perform its obligation in an international commercial contract due to restrictive measures imposed on the other party to the contract» The topic chosen by D.V. Shilnikov is extremely relevant and opens up space for independent research, given the fact that determining the appropriateness of unilateral refusal to perform contractual obligations arising from an international commercial contract, due to the sanctions’ restrictions imposed on the debtor for such obligations, is a highly debatable issue The absolute advantages of the work include an impressive volume of various sources used in its preparation, including numerous foreign materials on the topic introduced by the author into scientific circulation. The author in his work successfully combines the doctrinal analysis of the transformative (potestative) rights construction with the burning issues of current legal practice. The work is written in a clear legal language, the structure of the work chosen by the author makes it possible to consistently present his position on all issues to be considered in connection with this topic, makes it possible to describe the context necessary to explain the conclusions reached by the author. The content of the work corresponds to the stated topic, and the study itself and its argumentation are of an independent nature. The presented text meets the requirements for the final qualifying work of a graduate student of the master’s program. Illegal borrowings and other forms of violation of scientific ethics were not found in this text. The author's conclusions are expertly reasoned and deserve attention and support. Thus, this work can be admitted to the defense and deserves a high positive assessment. Scientific Adviser: Professor of the Department of Civil Law, Doctor Sci. in Law (Habilitation) Rudokvas A. D.