REVIEW OF THE SUPERVISOR OF THE FINAL QUALIFICATION WORK Noted merits of the work: The work is a continuation of the study of the regularities of the distribution of mercury in the ecosystem of the lake. Loshamye (National Park “Smolensk Lakeland”). In this paper, the author's task was to focus on the vertical distribution of mercury in bottom sediment columns, to find out and try to explain the patterns of changes in mercury concentration in the section of bottom sediments. The work is relevant, since the mystery of the appearance of mercury in the protected lake system has not yet been solved. Pavlova E.S., in addition to working with data, participated in the stages of sample preparation and image analysis. The work is written in a professional and understandable language with the involvement of a significant amount of modern domestic and foreign literature. The analysis of the results was carried out at a high level. The results of the work in the form of a full-size article are planned for publication in the collection of periodic scientific papers of the Smolenskoye Poozerye National Park. Noted shortcomings: The work has been completed in full, the goals have been achieved, but the level of elaboration of materials is not as high as planned. This is well reflected in the statistics: 52% originality, 38% citations. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that this situation is largely due to the fact that the device necessary for our research has been under diagnostics and repair for a long time. Ekaterina managed to analyze the samples at the very last moment. Also, the shortcomings of the author's work include blots and errors in working with sources. Ten percent of the text is recognized as borrowing precisely because of errors in linking. These shortcomings, however, do not affect the high level of work. Leader's Conclusion: The work meets all the requirements for a bachelor's thesis and deserves an "Excellent" rating.