The bachelor thesis of G.Filchakova is devoted to the topic of creating instrument for distributed problem solution. The program is oriented to the usage within the ELCUT software complex, but it should be noted that in principle it could be used for distributed execution of any long data processing for the big number of files. This topic appears to be actual and to have a practical importance. The cloud computations became popular in last few years and the system created by G.Filchakova allows applying the approach of cloud computing to the processing of a big amount of data. The systems with similar functionality are well known and widely used, but it seems that the solution proposed by G.Filchakova is more simple to use and to manage than these systems. During the preparation of her bachelor thesis, G.Filchakova demonstrated a good level of investigating skills. She studied a suitability of existing technologies to perform her task, chose the best tools for implementation, designed and implemented client and server programs. The job was one with good responsibility; the job schedule was kept. The orgranisational skills of G.Filchakova can be estimated as very good. I would like to mention specially the good quality of the implemented user interface. During the investigations, G.Filchakova demonstrated a good skill of finding a necessary information. The instrument implemented during the bachelor project is a really useful tool. It is planned to used it as a part of a new ELCUT release. In the thesis, G.Filchakova describe the results she obtained and discuss its practical value. The G.Filchakova thesis deserves the grade “Excelent”