REVIEW in the graduate qualification work of the bachelor Novikova Valeria Sergeevna Calculation of diode system with field cathode in the spherical coordinate system This work is devoted to modeling two diode systems based on field cathode. The radius of curvature at the cathode top is a predetermined value. Novikova V.S. studied the field cathode of the special shape as sphere on cone. The analytical solutions of two boundary value problems in modeling the diode system for a specified cathode form are presented in the graduate qualification work. In solving the first boundary value problem "body" of the tip is a truncated cone and the solution is represented as a series in Legendre functions. To solve the second problem Novikova V.S used the concept of a virtual cathode, when the equipotential zero simulates the real surface of the tip. As a result, for this problem, the solution is obtained in an analytical form - in the form of a series of Legendre polynomials, which greatly simplifies the calculation of the diode system potential distribution. The graduate qualification work of the bachelor is written at a high level, showing good knowledge of the research material and deserves five pointer. Reviewer, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department Contr. Syst. Th. Electrophys. Vladimirova L.V.