Review scientific adviser in the graduate qualification work of the bachelor Novikova Valeria Sergeevna Calculation of diode system with field cathode in the spherical coordinate system In this graduate qualification work Novikova V.S. an axisymmetric diode electron-optical system with a field cathode of the special form is simulated. The cathode is a sphere on a cone; the anode is a part of a sphere. The effect of space charge is neglected. To calculate the potential distribution the variable separation method in spherical coordinates is used. The Laplace equation with boundary conditions of the first kind is solved. To succeed in her object Novikova V.S. considered two different models of the investigated diode system. For the first model of the diode system, the boundary conditions in the form of constant functions were designated on top of the cathode – part of the sphere, on the "body" of the tip – part of the cone and on the anode – part of the sphere. The electrostatic potential distribution in an analytical form as an expansion in Legendre functions is found in the whole area of the studied system. For the second model of the diode system, the boundary conditions in the form of a piecewise constant functions were set on top of the cathode – the spherical surface, and on the anode – the spherical surface. The potential distribution found as an expansion in terms of Legendre polynomials in the whole area of the studied system. In accordance with the report revealed 27% SafeAssign matches. All checked items related to the matches in the title page, the names of the sections in the text of the content, conventional phrases, standard equations, functions, mathematical symbols, as well as the author's name under References. Such coincidences cannot be a reason to claim that this work can be attempted plagiarism. The graduate qualification work of bachelor Novikova V.S. is a complete self-facilitated research and shows a good degree of preparation of the author of the investigation material and deserves an "excellent". Scientific adviser, D.Sc., Electromech. Comp. Syst. Model., Professor Vinogradova E.M.