Supervisor Review Regarding the graduate qualification work of the student of St. Petersburg State University Rahmanova Shakhnoza Bakhtiyorovna on "Linguistic Representation of the Value Concept Family in Modern English Literature". The research of Shakhnozy Rakhmanova is dedicated to the analysis of the units of linguistic representation of the concept of value "Family" and peculiarities of their functioning on the material of the modern English literature. The study is an independent work, in the process of which Rakhmanova Sh.B. showed an ability to critically analyze scientific material, a subtle linguistic flair and a responsible attitude. The selection of works for the practical chapter is the result of independent research, which ultimately allowed Rakhmanova Sh.B. to reveal through the prism of linguistic analysis, including social aspects in the representation of the value concept Family. The structure of the work is logical, the material is presented consistently, and its content testifies to the creative approach of the author to the problems under consideration. The topic of the work, declared for consideration on the pages of the graduate work, is adequately disclosed. Checking the work for anti-plagiarism on the Blackboard platform revealed 49% of textual coincidences. Familiarity with the nature of the highlighted borrowings allows us to conclude that they are cases of quotations, the use of common stamps, retelling of quotations indicating the source of borrowing, as well as voluminous quotations from fiction and Internet sources. Thus, it can be concluded that the work does not contain unlawful borrowings. The analysis of the reviewed research allows to conclude that the graduate qualification work of Rachmanova Shakhnose Bakhtiyorovna "Language representation of the value concept Family in the modern English-speaking fiction", completely meets the requirements shown for the works of graduate students of Saint-Petersburg State University in the field of 45.04.02 "Linguistics" (General educational program BM.5753 "Linguistics of English-Speaking Social and Political Discourse), and its author deserves the award of the sought-after degree of Master of Linguistics and a positive evaluation.