REVIEW by scientific adviser of bachelorgraduation qualification thesis of Lifantova Ekaterina “Decision Support system for diagnosis” Bachelor graduation qualification thesis of Lifantova Ekaterina is dedicated to modeling process of medical diagnosis. Within the framework of the thesis Lifantova Ekaterina was developing automated support system of decision-making for diagnosis of pancreatic diseases. Software product should ensure processing and analysis of poorly defined and incomplete information.This subjectis made relevant by demand to decrease medical errors and trivialize diagnosis at early stages; furthermore,the system has ability to be used by general practitioners.Main purpose of the developed support system of decision-making is to predict probable diagnosis based on submitted symptoms. Lifantova E. did great work studying medical aspects of pancreatic diseases diagnosis, suggested model for presenting data for the support system for decision-making, analyzed existing systems of diagnosis and identified their disadvantages.After analyzing basic methods, Lifantova E. suggested new method of selecting the most probable diseasefor quality improvement of diagnosis. The method is based on dot product ofdisease symptomsmatrix andsymptomvector and was applied in the developed support system for decision-making. Additionally, comparison of this method with already known Bayes method was made. Software implementation of the support system for decision-making was tested on anamnesis of real patients provided by doctor. Support system was able to predictactual diagnosis with high probability. In my opinionbachelor graduation qualification thesis of Lifantova Ekaterina isaccomplished with high quality, contains important results with applied relevance, satisfies requirements for graduation qualification thesis of bachelor of applied mathematics and physics and is worthy of excellent mark. Scientific advisor, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, associate professor Goncharova A.B.