Review of the supervisor, Prof., Ph.D. Pavlovskaya I.Yu. on the qualifying graduate paper of the M.A. student Kovalenko Veronika Yanovna on the topic "System of control of professionally-oriented foreign language competence of medical students" Direction 45.03.02 "Linguistics" VM.5625.2020 "Theory of teaching foreign languages and intercultural communication" The final qualifying paper of M.A. student Veronika Kovalenko presented for defense is devoted to the study of methods and techniques of language testing offered to medical students at the university. The problems of this study are due to the fact that the principles of testing and evaluating foreign-language professionally-oriented communicative competence for physicians have not received coverage either within the framework of the Council of Europe project "Common European Framework of Reference" or in domestic developments, and therefore need methodological justification and practical implementation. The master's student pursues this ambitious goal in her work and, in general, successfully copes with it. The goals, objectives and results of the study meet the requirements of the St. Petersburg State University educational standard and the educational program in terms of mastering the established competencies. The graduate paper contains 86 pages of the main text, the list of references includes 52 titles in Russian and English, including dictionaries of reference books and Internet sources, and 25 pages of appendices, including samples of English language tests for dentists. The structure of the main text of the work consists of an introduction, 2 chapters with conclusions, and a resume. The composition is balanced, the first and second chapters have approximately the same volume. The introduction contains all the necessary classification characteristics of the graduate paper (goals, objectives, subject, object, practical value, methodological basis). The content is presented logically, in good scientific style, there are practically no typos. In the first chapter "Theoretical foundations of the methodology of teaching a professionally oriented language", the author examined in detail the methodological foundations of teaching professionally oriented English in our country and abroad. Next, the author analyzes the available literature for teaching English to dental students and the existing international test systems for medical English. The student mastered a large volume of scientific sources and analyzed them adequately. In the second chapter, "Development of a system for assessing proficiency in professionally oriented English of medical students", the author proceeds to create a system of tests at two stages of training 1st-year dental students of the Pavlov Academy of Medical Sciences in St. Petersburg, whose starting level corresponds to B1 on the scale of the Council of Europe. In the specification, the author presents goals, focus audience, content elements, tested skills, content-activity matrix, total execution time, type of control and recommendations for evaluating results. Conducting the approbation of the tests developed by her, Veronika Yanovna collects empirical material – the results of students' testing, and processes it using the techniques of the classical Spearman-Brown statistical model. The obtained statistical parameters of the test are improved by replacing individual questions. In addition, the author compares the classroom and remote testing mode. It should be noted that the author paid special attention to the content elements of the test. She managed, while remaining within the framework of the training material completed per unit of time, to introduce some currently necessary terms related to understanding the basic concepts related to the COVID-19 pandemic in English. The theoretical conclusions and practical development of the test control system by the author are worthy of the attention of both theoretical methodologists and practical testologists and can be introduced into the educational process in medical universities. The work meets all the requirements for the Master's degree project at St. Petersburg State University, including its design. I believe that the work by Veronica Kovalenko can be admitted to the defense and deserves an Excellent rating (A). Scientific supervisor, Doctor of Philology, Prof. I.Y. Pavlovskaya 07.06.2022.