REVIEW by research supervisor of the graduate qualification paper submitted by the second-year student of the 41.03.05 - «Intern.relations», Education program BM.5569 «International Relations (in English)» master’s program at SPbSU ________Kulakov Aleksey____________ (first name, last name of the student) titled ___ Economic aftermaths of international conflicts __________________________________ (title) 1. Assessment of the paper: No. Assessment Criteria (codes of competences according to curriculum) Grade: • excellent, A (5.0) • good, B (4.5) • good, C (4.0) • satisfactory, D (3.5) • satisfactory, E (3.0) • unsatisfactory, F (0.0) Reviewer’s Comments (mandatory for those criteria on which the paper is assessed critically or downgraded) 1. Academic relevance of the research problem (ОПК-4, ПКА-5) A Problem of low-intensity international conflicts, balancing between their “frozen” and “hot” stages is still very important in IR literature even if its pick of popularity was in late 1990s – early 2000s. 2. Scholarly contribution by the author (ОПК-4, ПКА-2, ПКА-3, ПКА-5, ПКА-6, ПКП-9) B Conflict studies is domain of many academic disciplines, including comparative history, sociology, security, IR and political economy. So, they require multidisciplinary approach. A the thesis there is not fully successful attempt to use it. 3. Appropriateness of the research objective, coherence of research objective and research tasks (ОПК-4, ПКА-2, ПКА-5, ПКА-6, ПКА-10, ПКП-9) A Appropriate and well-formulated. 4. Quality of the empirical scope and of the primary sources review (ПКА-2, ПКА-7, ПКП-4) A-B Very good 5. Comprehensiveness of secondary sources (academic literature) employed by the author (ПКА-2, ПКА-7) B Publications of several leading international experts on the topic under research are missing (Sergey Markedonov, Tomas de Vaal) 6. Adequacy of chosen research methods to the stated research objective and research tasks (ПКА-2, ПКА-8, ПКА-10) A Research methods are adequate. 7. Correspondence of empirical results to the stated research objective and research tasks (ОПК-7, ПКА-2, ПКА-3, ПКА-5, ПКА-6, ПКП-4, ПКП-9) A Results are not fully corresponds to objective and tasks, bit we should appreciate an attempt of the author to reach them. 8. Text formatting and editing (ОПК-7, ПКА-7) A Excellent. 9. Diligence, consistency, and responsibility demonstrated by the student when writing the paper (ОПК-7, УК-6) B Very good. Average grade: 4,7 2. Conclusion/Recommendations for the evaluation commission: 3. Recommended grade (in ECTS): A June 5, 2022 D.Phil. (Econ.), Professor Department of European studies, Saint-Petersburg State University Stanislav L. Tkachenko