The noted advantages of the work. Kostina E. presented the work on time. The topic of the work is relevant for the management of tourist destinations, as creative spaces often become an impetus for the development of related infrastructure, being points of tourist attraction. Kostina E. analyzed the historical and theoretical aspects of the creation of creative spaces in Russia and abroad. The experience of creation and development of creative industries in general and creative spaces in particular in St. Petersburg is investigated. It was concluded that successful creative spaces have a positive impact on the development of the economy of the destination and the region by creating new jobs through creativity and creativity. The activity of a large number of creative spaces in St. Petersburg is analyzed. A comparative analysis of SWOT opportunities for the development of creative industries of the destination in 2017 and 2022 was carried out. The author investigates the existing methodology of state support of creative spaces in the Russian Federation and abroad, on the basis of which an algorithm for the development of a tourist territory is proposed. To intensify the development of a tourist destination in the context of creative industries, it was proposed to create a platform aggregator of creative spaces with a filter selection scheme. The noted shortcomings of the work. Despite the actual and even innovative significance of the work, there are a number of shortcomings. There is a significant number of spelling errors, for example, in Fig. 3.4 and others. The references to some citations are incorrectly designed. The WRC does not provide screenshots confirming the platform aggregator of creative spaces. Supervisor's conclusion: E. Kostin's work meets the requirements for graduate qualification works at the master's degree level of St. Petersburg State University. WRC is recommended for protection with a positive assessment.