THE SUPERVISOR REVIEW on the Master’s Theses of BANNYKH Anastasia Vitalievna «Formation of everyday skills in preschool children with autism spectrum disorder by behavioral therapy techniques with the participation of parents» Anastasia showed activity, independence, initiative throughout the entire period of research work. She planned and conducted the study that involved 10 children with ASD with an officially established diagnosis aged 3 to 5 years. The study was conducted in the paradigm of a classical clinical trial with diagnostic measurements before and after the intervention. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the results of the programs showed that 6 out of 10 children achieved the goal set (improvement/formation of a certain everyday skill), were able to successfully consolidate them in a home environment and generalize them in another social environment. 4 children have partially mastered everyday skills. The strength of the work is the complexity of conducting such a study in the context of the ongoing Covid-2019 pandemic. The weak side of the work is the short duration of the corrective impact, which took approximately 1 month of work with each child. However, all the participants were given further recommendations on the continuation of the intervention based on behavioral therapy techniques. The main idea of the intervention was the possibility of cooperation with parents and their willingness to implement an individual program created by Anastasia for each child to develop everyday skills using ABA therapy methods, taking into account significant motivational factors. Therefore, the selection of participants into the experimental group was not randomized, since the active position of parents and their ability to devote time to the daily implementation of programs was crucial. The work is extensive, consisting of 3 chapters - 1) theoretical substantiation of the problem of the formation of everyday skills in children with autism spectrum disorder; 2) determination of the level of formation of everyday skills in preschool children with autism spectrum disorder and 3) program development for the formation of everyday skills in preschool children with autism spectrum disorder with the participation of parents by behavioral therapy techniques. The work includes five applications. The list of references includes 75 sources, 25 of them in English. Anastasia demonstrated a decent level of work with scientific literature, highlighting modern scientific works of not only Russian but also foreign scientists. Within the framework of the second chapter, the rationale for the choice of methods and techniques for diagnosing the level of formation of everyday skills in children with ASD is described in detail, as well as the study participants and the procedure. Anastasia conducted a detailed qualitative analysis of the collected data and interpreted the results. A.V. Bannykh conducted the writing of the work exclusively independently: from the definition of the topics of the theoretical review, to the interpretation of the results obtained. Our assistance consisted exclusively in providing special diagnostic materials within the framework of the ABA (Encouragement Questionnaire) and assistance in the selection of other diagnostic techniques. The entire interpretation of the obtained data analysis results, as well as the conclusions of the study were made by the author independently. Among the minor shortcomings of the work, there is a technical negligence in the design of Appendix B. In general, the work has been done well, which gives reason to recommend the mark "A". Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology of St. Petersburg State University, Ph. D. in Psychology L. O. Tkacheva