Final qualifying work E.Zh. Petrova is devoted to a very interesting but little-studied problem - the collection and development of Chinese collections in the museums of St. Petersburg. Russia and China are countries with a long history of mutual relations. At the present stage, these are partner states developing cooperation in various areas, including cultural. This explains the relevance of the presented work. At the same time, the work of E.Zh. Petrova is actually the first attempt to systematize disparate ideas about the place of unique and unparalleled Chinese collections in the museum space of St. Petersburg. In accordance with the goals and objectives of the study, its structure was determined, covering various aspects of the stated problem at the theoretical and practical levels. In our opinion, E.Zh. Petrova carefully worked out various subjects related to the formation of Chinese collections in St. Petersburg museums. This was done thanks to careful work with sources and literature. Both the works that appeared in the last few years and the works of the Soviet era were taken into account, which made it possible to trace the declared plot in a historical retrospective. The researcher was able to analyze the collections of the leading museums of St. Petersburg - the Kunstkamera, the State Hermitage Museum, the Museum of the History of Religion, and also to characterize these collections. I would also like to note the interdisciplinary nature of the presented research. For a full disclosure of the topic, the author used materials on museology, history, art history, oriental studies, etc. Final qualifying work E.Zh. Petrova meets all the requirements for work of this kind, and can be recommended for protection.