REVIEW by research supervisor of the graduate qualification paper submitted by the second-year student of the ___________________________________________________________ master’s program at SPbSU ____________Alexandra Vitalievna UZIUMOVA_______________________________________________________________ (first name, last name of the student) titled ____Spanish Civil War Interpretation in Modern Spanish and International Discource______________ (title) 1. Assessment of the paper: No. Assessment Criteria (codes of competences according to curriculum) Grade: • excellent, A (5.0) • good, B (4.5) • good, C (4.0) • satisfactory, D (3.5) • satisfactory, E (3.0) • unsatisfactory, F (0.0) 1 Reviewer’s Comments (mandatory for those criteria on which the paper is assessed critically or downgraded) 1. Academic relevance of the research problem (ОПК-4, ПКА-5) A (5.0) 2. Scholarly contribution by the author (ОПК-4, ПКА-2, ПКА-3, ПКА-5, ПКА6, ПКП-9) A (5.0) 3. Appropriateness of the research objective, coherence of research objective and research tasks (ОПК-4, ПКА-2, ПКА-5, ПКА-6, ПКА-10, ПКП-9) A (5.0) 4. Quality of the empirical scope and of the primary sources review (ПКА-2, ПКА-7, ПКП-4) A (5.0) However, in my opinion, the author should make more critics towards the primary sources. 5. Comprehensiveness of secondary sources (academic literature) employed by the author (ПКА-2, ПКА-7) A (5.0) 6. Adequacy of chosen research methods to the stated research objective and research tasks (ПКА-2, ПКА-8, ПКА-10) A (5.0) 7. Correspondence of empirical results to the stated research objective and research tasks (ОПК-7, ПКА-2, ПКА-3, ПКА-5, ПКА6, ПКП-4, ПКП-9) A (5.0) 1 If the paper is assessed as “unsatisfactory” based on one of the criteria, the overall recommended grade for the paper is to be “unsatisfactory”, in which case a reviewer presents his/her detailed arguments in the Comments section as well as in the Conclusion/Recommendations section. 8. Text formatting and editing (ОПК-7, ПКА-7) B (4.0) There are some errors in style and sintaxis. 9. Diligence, consistency, and responsibility demonstrated by the student when writing the paper (ОПК-7, УК-6) A (5.0) Average grade: 4.89 2. Conclusion/Recommendations for the evaluation commission: The Master’s Thesis by Alexandra V. Uziumova should be admitted for defense. Its quality responds to criteria established for Master’s Thesis and there is no doubt about scientific relevance of the thesis. 3. Recommended grade (in ECTS): A (5.0)