Review about the master's thesis Kokh Olga Alexandrovna on the topic "Investigation of the molecular mobility of the ionic liquid BmpyrrNTF2 by NMR methods" Theme of O.A. Koch is associated with the study of the mobility of anion-cations in the ionic liquid BmpyrrNTF2 depending on the concentration of Li at different temperatures. She was asked to carry out NMR studies on a set of samples containing BmpyrrNTF2 ionic liquid supplemented with lithium salt at various concentrations. It was supposed to investigate both translational and rotational mobility by measuring diffusion coefficients and spin-spin relaxation times at various temperatures. The applicant studied a huge amount of literature, mastered the methods for studying these samples and methods for processing the experimental data obtained. To obtain the results, work was mastered in the MesteNova, Bruker Top Spin and OriginPro packages. Based on the results of the work, a report was generated with a set of tables and graphs containing the results of the study. The analysis of the obtained results was also carried out and qualitative conclusions were made. During the performance of the work, Olga Alexandrovna demonstrated the ability to work with scientific literature, including in English, figured out the packages for processing experimental NMR data and learned how to analyze the results. She worked with a high degree of independence, activity and creativity. I should say that Olga Alexandrovna Kokh certainly deserves to be awarded a Master's degree in physics with a high rating. Scientific adviser Ph.D., sen. teacher, K.V. Tyutyukin