Candidate of Philology and Linguoculturology of St. Petersburg State University N.F. Shcherbak on the Final Qualifying Work of undergraduate student ABASOVA Saida Ruslanovna "Linguistic representation of the hero and transdiscursivity in postcolonial English-language prose" The work of S.R. Abasova is devoted to the consideration of the linguistic representation of the hero and transdiscursivity in English-language prose. The most important provisions of scientific thought in relation to national culture are taken into account. The relevance of this study is due to the rapid development of postcolonial phenomena in literature and the importance of analyzing the linguistic means of character presentation, the need to comprehend the analysis of the character as a phenomenon of language and culture. The object of the study is the representation of the hero and transdiscursivity in postcolonial English–language prose. The subject of the research is the peculiarities of the linguistic representation of heroes and discursive practices in the novels of postcolonial writers. The aim of the study is to identify and describe the ways of the linguistic representation of the hero on the material of postcolonial prose In the course of the work, it was supposed to solve the following tasks: to characterize the problem of language and culture in linguistics, to study the features and problems of postcolonial English-language literature, to identify the features of transdiscursivity, to identify the linguistic means representing the hero in the works of S. Rushdie, Z. Smith, H. Kureishi. The following methods were used for the study: lexico-semantic analysis, cognitive-semantic analysis, discursive analysis. The theoretical significance of the study is determined by its contribution to the linguistic and linguoculturological description of the text and is provided by clarifying the scope of concepts significant for postcolonial literature. The practical significance of the research lies in the fact that its results can be used in lecture courses on text linguistics and linguoculturology. The conducted research, carried out in line with the anthropo-orientated approach, is undoubtedly relevant, and the analysis of language material, which is carried out taking into account modern discursive communicative-situational and pragmatic-cognitive approaches, testifies to its timeliness and theoretical significance. The conducted analysis is characterized by absolute novelty, and the exhaustive and reasoned comments of the examples given for analysis do not allow us to doubt the reliability and objectivity of the results obtained. The extensive linguistic material, the high level of its deep linguistic interpretation allow us to state the obvious practical significance of the research, the results of which can be used both in the creation of theoretical courses in linguistics, linguoculturology, pragmalinguistics, and in practical classes. The text of the work is systematic, consistent, evidentiary in nature and demonstrates the undoubted linguistic erudition of the author, and the postulated theoretical positions are convincingly confirmed by concrete examples. The language of the description of the conducted research is terminologically correct and indicates the author's possession of the appropriate style of presentation of scientific facts. It should be noted that the author is a talented young scientist who works conscientiously and independently, has his own view on the problems and is well-versed in modern scientific literature. At the same time, there are some shortcomings/shortcomings in the work that do not affect the overall positive impression of the work of Abasova Saida Ruslanovna. 1) For what reason, the author does not number examples taken from works of fiction? 2) Did the author have the opportunity to compare all three novels and the ways of self-identification of the characters? Checking the work in the Safe Assign program on the Blackboard platform revealed 30% of text matches. Familiarization with the nature of the selected borrowings allows us to conclude that they are cases of inattentive quoting and retelling of quotations with a fairly correct indication of the source of borrowing, as well as quotations from literary works with an indication of the source and Internet sources. .Thus, it can be concluded that the work does not actually contain illegal borrowings. All of the above allows us to conclude that the work of Abasova Saida Ruslanovna "Linguistic representation of the hero and transdiscursivity in postcolonial English-language prose" meets all the requirements for final qualifying works, and its author deserves to be awarded the required master's degree in linguistics. Ph.D., Associate Professor N.F.Shcherbak