St. Petersburg State University REVIEW SCIENTIFIC SUPERVISOR ABOUT THE MASTER'S THESIS Student Zhao Shujue Title of the topic: "Corporate governance with the participation of the labor collective in Chinese companies" Direction: 39.04.01 "Sociology" The main educational program of the Master's degree VM.5589.2020 "Sociology" EVALUATION OF THE MASTER'S THESIS n/a, Indicators Score on a 5-point scale 1-5 1 Assessment of the relevance of the chosen topic – 5. 2 The degree of completeness of the theoretical review and the state of the problem on the topic of the dissertation – 4. 3 The level and correctness of the use of sociological research methods in the work – 5. 4 The degree of validity of conclusions and recommendations, as well as the reliability of the results obtained – 5. 5 Clarity, clarity and consistency of presentation – 4. 6 Possibility of practical use – 5. 7 The quality of the explanatory note design (general level of literacy, style of presentation, quality of illustrations, compliance with the requirements of the standard for these documents) – 5. 8 The volume and quality of the graphic material, its compliance with the text of the note and standards – 5. 9 Originality and novelty of the obtained scientific and applied results, % - 5, 86%. Comments on the estimates: 2. The paper presents a fairly complete theoretical overview of the primary sources and the state of the problem on the topic of the dissertation. 3. We note the author's use of the network value analysis methodology of P.P. Deryugin and its development in relation to the topic of the FQW. 4. The degree of validity of the conclusions, recommendations and reliability of the results obtained are confirmed by the qualitative correspondence of the conclusions of the empirical study to the content of other publications on the topic of the FQW and the analysis of the opinions of the main parties. We note the author's use of correlation analysis and modern IT technologies to visualize the value network, as well as a regression model to assess the importance of influencing factors. 5. Stylistic inaccuracies sometimes occur in the FQW; they do not affect the correctness of the material presented and the conclusions of the work. 6. Zhao Shujue's Master's thesis has an obvious practical orientation. 7. The explanatory note (general level of literacy, style of presentation, quality of illustrations) is designed in accordance with the requirements for the document. However, in some fragments of the text, the style of presentation can be improved somewhat; it does not affect the correctness of the material presented and the conclusions of the work. 8. The volume and quality of the graphic material completely correspond to the text of the note and the requirements imposed on them. 9. The novelty of the dissertation is: The scientific novelty consists in using a sociological approach to substantiating corporate governance with the participation of the labor collective in Chinese companies, as well as in determining the influencing indicators to be taken into account. The practical novelty consists of the developed sociological tools and the results of the empirical sociological research conducted by the author. The originality of the study lies in the fact that the correlation analysis, value network and regression model applied in it revealed the relationship of the company's performance with the value qualities of the individual, relationships in the workforce and to the manager. The list of indicators specifying them should be taken into account when organizing corporate interaction with Chinese specifics between the workforce and the company's management - the main stakeholders of corporate governance. While working on her master's thesis, Zhao Shujue proved herself as a creative performer. The sociological research was organized and carried out by the author independently. The author of the dissertation studied the main Russian and foreign primary sources on the topic of the work. I carried out the tasks of the head in a timely manner, in full, and always took into account his comments. She showed diligence and showed independence, which contributed to achieving the maximum positive result. Zhao Shujue's Master's thesis on " Corporate governance with the participation of the labor collective in Chinese companies" is performed at a high level, has a high-quality theoretical basis, has practical significance, and is supported by the author's own original research. The dissertation meets the requirements for master's theses at St. Petersburg State University. Zhao Shujue deserves to be awarded a master's degree in sociology. In our opinion, the content of the master's thesis corresponds to a highly positive assessment. Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Social Management and planning / / S.V. Rasskazov May 26, 2022