Vladislava Vladimirovna Gorbacheva's graduate work is written on an extremely relevant topic today. In terms of active transfer of public services in electronic form, government should do a relevant work on popularization of such services among people especially among the most active part of them - youths. Vladislava Vladimirovna chose her theme of graduate work consciously and with a huge enthusiasm. Vladislava Vladimirovna worked on her own and rarely addressed her supervisor. Nevertheless, in her work she coped to demonstrate her knowledge about all modern literature on the theme of study, deep dive into topic and possession of relevant terminology and issues about e-government. In order to write the second chapter of her work, Vladislava Vladimirovna, trying to reveal the image of e-government in students' minds, made a little sociological survey among students of Saint-Petersburg State University with help of iAnketa.ru. Maybe Vladislava Vladimirovna should have spent a bit more time on the second chapter. Materials from the graduate work could be used in a number of special courses of the Факультет прикладных коммуникаций, especially on the special seminar "Electronic interaction between government and society". Vladislava Vladimirovna Gorbacheva's graduate work "Образ электронного правительства в сознании молодежи Санкт-Петербурга" meets all requirements and is recommended to defense. The author is recommended to assign a "Bachelor in Public Relations and Advertising" degree.