REVIEW supervisor for graduate qualification work 4th year students of group 18.B03-i Olesya Kolesnikova (Full Name) Head Borisov Nikolai Valentinovich, professor, Ph.D. – PhD, Department of Information Systems in Arts and Humanities, St. Petersburg State University (position, surname, name, patronymic) The theme of the final qualifying work is "Multimedia technologies in the creation of the documentary film "Russian ballet comes from St. Petersburg"". Kolesnikova O. set herself the task from beginning to end to independently go through all the stages of production of a documentary film about the history of Russian ballet, born in St. Petersburg. In the complex genre of auteur cinema, the fact that the diploma student loves and knows the art of ballet and she herself studied at a choreographic school played a big role. Olesya was able to find and study a large and varied historical and art historical material related to the theme of the film and organize it in a clear logical presentation using multimedia technologies. The film is intended for a youth audience and does not contain voluminous historical material, it has a short duration. The main difficulty in creating the film was the need to briefly present in the film the modern atmosphere of the life of the Vaganova choreographic school. The diploma student included short plans about the school as part of the logical structure of each of the film's episodes. The diploma student chose the principle of dynamic development of the film through her author's text, which leads the viewer along the film, both in synchronous speech and behind the scenes. The visual range of the film is solved by professional multimedia techniques. For example, static archival photos and videos are interwoven using layered dynamics and fly-by-camera technologies into video shooting plans. This creates a smooth and easily perceived image. The text of the final qualifying work presented by Kolesnikova Olesya fully reflects all the stages of work done by the author when creating a documentary film. Olesya showed herself as a creative and active person. She demonstrated discipline, responsibility and good command of multimedia technologies. Professor of the Department of Information Systems in Arts and Humanities Signature ____________________ (Borisov N.V.)_ “_____” ___________ Больше информации об этом исходном текстеЧтобы получить дополнительную информацию, введите исходный текст Отправить отзыв Боковые панели