Review of the supervisor, Professor, PhD Pavlovskaya I.Yu. on the Bachelor's thesis by Chen Shennan on the topic "Peculiarities of perception of polymodal English texts by native speakers of Russian and Chinese languages " OOП СВ.5040. "English language and literature" Profile 45.03.01 "Philology" The final qualifying paper of the bachelor Chen Shennan presented for defense is devoted to the topic of the use of polymodal texts in teaching. The use of different channels of perception is relevant today both in the media and in the digital and paper transactional version of communication. However, this is mainly the polycode nature of the text construction. Much less often, the polymodal presentation of the same text gets into the field of attention, especially with the use of a sound component. In teaching foreign languages, such a presentation can be especially effective, since it develops two types of receptive types of speech activity at once – listening and reading. There are few studies on this formulation of the problem, so the choice of topic is timely. The goals, objectives and results of the study meet the requirements of the St. Petersburg State University educational standard and the educational program in terms of mastering the established competencies. The paper contains 53 pages, including a list of references, numbering 45 titles in Russian and English, and appendices. The structure of the main text of the work consists of an Introduction, two chapters with conclusions, and a Resume. The content is presented logically, but there are grammatical and syntactic errors, typos, design flaws (for example, in the list of references). The student worked quite systematically, attended seminars and consultations of the supervisor, mastered a large volume of scientific sources and analyzed them independently. However, at the last stage there was some failure, as a result of which the work was completed in a hurry, which affected the design. The first chapter "Theoretical foundations of learning to read based on a polymodal text" reads very interesting, it is carefully worked out and built compositionally. In addition to presenting the methodological principles of using the polymodal text by other authors, the bachelor draws her own line, explicates her vision of the problem. The student did all this absolutely independently, even the selection of literature. The second chapter, "Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of text perception by native speakers of Russian and Chinese languages and recommendations for the use of polymodal text for the development of receptive types of speech activity," required the author not only analytical abilities, but also the ability to conduct a psycholinguistic experiment on the perception of the text. The author had no experience of such work, hence some tactical errors in the selection of material took place. Only one text was selected for analysis, which is not enough for reasonable conclusions, and the choice of text was not the most successful – the pace of the speaker's speech was too high with a large volume of text. Nevertheless, based on the available material, the author of the paper conducted a very thorough analysis of the responses of the subjects and, if possible, made adequate conclusions. So she coped with the tasks set in the work. The work meets all the requirements for the Bachelor's degree program at St. Petersburg State University. I believe that the final qualifying paper written by Chen Shennan can be admitted to the defense and deserves a rating of "Very good" (B). Scientific supervisor, D.F.N., Prof. I.Y. Pavlovskaya 02.06.2022.