REFERENCE on the Thesis prepared by 4th year student of St. Petersburg University Graduate School of Management Student: BEZZUBENKOV Nikita Ivanovich Topic: Development of corporate sustainability strategy for international tobacco companies in the Russian market 38.03.02 «Management» area of studies, International Management Bachelor program Student manifestation of autonomy and initiative when working on the Thesis: X In total, the Thesis was performed by the student independently, with active consultation with the supervisor The intensity of interaction with the supervisor: X Continuous interaction Respecting the schedule of the Thesis workflow: X Fully compliant Timeliness of the final submission of the Thesis to the supervisor: X One day before the deadline for the Thesis submission The degree of achievement of the Thesis goal: X Fully achieved Compliance of the Thesis content with the requirements: X Fully compliant Compliance of the Thesis layout with the requirements: X Fully compliant Special Comments: Due to the sanctions regime, scheduled interviews with representatives of tobacco companies were canceled, and access to primary data was limited. General Conclusion: The work by student BEZZUBENKOV Nikita meets the requirements for Bachelor diploma thesis in the area of studies 38.03.02 “Management”, program International Management. Scientific Advisor: Yury Blagov Date: 11.06.2022