REVIEW Scientific supervisor for the final qualifying work of a student at St. Petersburg State University Rakshin Pavel Valerievich_ on the topic ___ "Digital trust in economic institutions in modern society (on the example of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region)" The final qualifying work of Rakshin Pavel Valerievich is devoted to digital trust in the economic life of society. The role of trust today can hardly be overestimated, we now know for sure that the rate of economic growth depends on the level of generalized trust, on the level of trust in social institutions, on the level of trust in digital institutions. In Russia, the level of both generalized and institutional trust is not as high as in developed countries (in St. Petersburg, according to our data, it is no higher than 25%). But there is a chance that digital trust will develop in our country in the same way as in economically developed countries. This, in turn, gives hope for the transformation of interpersonal trust in the future. All these factors determine the relevance of the work within the framework of economic sociology. The main theoretical results obtained in the work are as follows: 1. The process of general digitalization of modern societies is considered and the importance of digitalization for economic development is shown. Trends in the transformation of economic institutions under the influence of digitalization (for example, a change in private property institutions; a change in the organizational form of business; a change in consumption institutions, etc.) 2. Both positive and negative consequences of digitalization are shown (for example, on the one hand, digitalization significantly speeds up access to information, on the other hand, it creates new forms of social inequality, a “digital divide” between those who have access to the “digit”, and who doesn't) 3. The formation and development of the concept of "trust" in sociological theory is studied and some discussions are shown (F. Fukuyama, E. Giddens, N. Luman, J. Coleman). The specificity and nature of trust in economic life (trust in the economy mediated by social networks and personified relations of economic agents, the concept of M. Granovetter) is revealed. 4. The definition of digital trust is given, its forms and types are considered, its importance for the effective functioning of the modern economy is shown. The empirical results of the work are related to the empirical research conducted by the author (online survey, survey of 143 respondents). This study is about how trust works in online shopping. The survey questionnaire consisted of 3 blocks of questions 1. Demographic (3 questions) 2. Block "Interaction with the digital environment" (11 questions)3. Block "Integration into the digital economy: the experience of online shopping" (14 questions). It was revealed that the leaders of online purchases are the Ozon (69.4%) and Wildberries (53.7%) marketplaces, Yandex.Market (32.8%) is slightly inferior to the trading platform of Chinese origin AliExpress (33.6%). Avito (24.6%), SbermegaMarket (17.9%), as well as small online stores (14.2%) also have relatively high results. 65.7% make purchases using a smartphone, 34.3% using a laptop/computer. 56% use online shopping applications, 36.6% prefer to buy on the store's website through a browser. An indicator of trust in digital economic institutions was determined: 75.4% of respondents answered that they generally trust online stores, 11.9% - trust, 6.7% found it difficult to answer, 4.5% generally do not trust, 1.5% do not trust. The study also showed that a factor in the formation of "horizontal trust" is the study of buyers' reviews about the product of other buyers. In this regard, the author conducted a study of user content in the Ozon online store (content analysis of reviews), So: • the content of the the final qualifying work corresponds to the theme stated in the title, • the topic stated in the title is almost completely disclosed, • a detailed substantiation of the conclusions is given, scientific novelty is sufficient for such types of qualifying works • of the shortcomings, it is worth noting some negligence in the design of the work The final qualifying work of Rakshin Pavel Valerievich on the topic “Digital Trust in Economic Institutions in Modern Society (on the Example of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region)” meets the requirements for works of this kind and deserves a positive assessment. "__22__" ____ May ________ 2022 Veselov Yury Vitalievich (D.Sc., prof., head of department economic sociology, St. Petersburg State University)