REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC ADVISER for the final qualifying work of a student of St. Petersburg State University Drozdov Vsevolod Svyatoslavovich on the topic "Web interface for creating and appearing emergency emulators" Graduate qualification work of Vsevolod Svyatoslavovich Drozdov is devoted to the implementation of a web service that allows you to create, emulate and visualize computer networks. This work has an educational focus and was created for teachers and students. Demonstration and explanation of the principles of operation of various configurations of computer networks is complicated by the impossibility of implementing natural stands. In this connection, the relevance of the development of the computer network emulator presented in this paper for educational purposes is beyond doubt. In his work, Vsevolod Svyatoslavovich implemented a web service that allows you to create, change, configure and run computer network emulation. The merits of the work carried out include a deep study of the topic using all available primary sources. The practical side of the work is done at a high level, the implementation is presented in the form of a web service using modern information technologies. The disadvantages of the work include poor development of the Web interface, from the point of view of a multi-user interface with the ability to save the created computer network configurations. Nevertheless, I believe that all the tasks set are completed, the work of Drozdov V.S. is complete, performed with high quality, set out in detail, meets the requirements for the final qualifying work. I believe that the work deserves the mark "good", and the author - the award of a bachelor's degree. Ph.D., Associate Professor Department of System Programming St. Petersburg State University Serov M.A.