REVIEW supervisor for graduate qualification work 4th year students of group 18.B03-i Panchenko Daria Dmitrievna (Full Name) Head Borisov Nikolai Valentinovich, Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Department of Information Systems in Arts and Humanities, St. Petersburg State University (position, surname, name, patronymic) The theme of the final qualification work is "Multimedia technologies for creating a documentary film about artists of the Faculty of Arts of St. Petersburg State University "Union of Masters"" The final qualifying work of Darya Panchenko is devoted to the production of the film "Union of Masters", in one of the types of documentary film genre. The theme of the film was proposed by Ivan Grigoryevich Uralov, First Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Arts at St Petersburg University, who became the film's consultant. Documentaries based on interviews are more often made on television. Build a film that represents the work of 10 artists, different in style and nature of their work, uniting the story about them with one common theme teaching at the Faculty of Arts of St. Petersburg State University and giving an idea of ​​their artistic work demanded a huge amount of preparatory work from Daria Panchenko. In a professional environment, this is work for a large team, but the diploma student was able to cope with the voluminous material of the film on her own. Daria developed the structure of the film, which combines episodes of interviews, a chronicle of the life of the Faculty of Arts and a short essay about the work of each of the artists. Extensive video material is presented in a classic, non-aggressive form, which is undoubtedly Daria's creative success. The complexly organized structure of the film, using various aesthetics of the image, and the well-built composition of the film by episodes, make the perception comfortable, clear and arousing interest in the characters of the film. The text of Panchenko's final qualification work is an independent and complete presentation of the complex, in creative and practical parts, the process of creating the film "Union of Masters". When performing the final qualifying work, the student showed herself as a hard-working, creative, responsible and independent person. She demonstrated her professional skills and abilities in the use of modern multimedia technologies. Professor of the Department of Information Systems in Arts and Humanities Signature _________________ (Borisov N.V.) ___ “_25____” ______May_____, 2022