REVIEW OF THE SUPERVISOR OF THE FINAL QUALIFICATION WORK Topic of the final qualification work: Diversification of the tourist product in the Republic of Buryatia Author (full name): Aleksandrova Anna Aleksandrovna Main educational program: SV.5108.2018, direction 43.03.02 "Tourism". Level: undergraduate Head: Ph.D. Kaledin Vladimir Nikolaevich Lecturer at the Department of Regional Studies and International Tourism. Training Requirements Compliant Mostly Compliant Not Compliant the ability to correctly formulate and set tasks (problems) of their activities when performing a thesis, analyze, diagnose the causes of problems, determine their relevance * set priorities and methods for solving tasks (problems) * be able to use, process and analyze modern geoecological, geographical, statistical, analytical information * master modern methods of analysis and interpretation of the information received, evaluate their capabilities in solving the tasks (problems) * be able to rationally plan the time of work, determine the competent sequence and volume of operations and decisions when performing the task; * be able to objectively evaluate the results of calculations and calculations; * the ability to analyze the results of data interpretation; * know and apply methods of system analysis; * be able to carry out interdisciplinary research; * be able to draw independent, reasonable and reliable conclusions from the work done; * be able to use scientific literature of a professional orientation * be able to apply modern graphic, cartographic, computer and multimedia technologies in the study; * be able to use cartographic methods using GIS * The merits of the final qualifying work of Anna Alexandrovna Alexandrova include the relevance of the study, associated with the growth in recent years in Russia of the popularity of both Russian and foreign tourists of new routes and new tourist offers. The work is an independent study. When writing the work, the author showed efficiency in the search and analysis of various sources of information and a good command of modern research methods. The content of the work as a whole corresponds to the given task. The material in the work is presented in compliance with the internal logic. A large amount of material was collected and processed, which made it possible to conduct a comprehensive study of the Republic of Buryatia as a promising tourist destination. The work also used author's materials obtained as a result of a survey aimed at researching tourist interest in the Republic of Buryatia. A distinctive feature of the final qualifying work is its good content. A significant amount of available material and data was collected and processed, which made it possible to successfully conduct a study of tourism resources, the current state of tourism infrastructure, as well as existing tourism offers in the Republic. Taking into account the specifics of the needs of tourists, the issues of organizing an actual tourist offer are considered. Leader's conclusion. In terms of content and design, the work of Alexandrova Anna Aleksandrovna meets all the requirements for the WRC, and, with a successful defense, deserves the highest praise. Head ______________________ "_19_" _May_ 2022_