REVIEW supervisor for graduate qualification work 4th year student 18.B03-i Moroshkin Semyon Andreevich (Full Name) Head Borisov Nikolai Valentinovich, Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Department of Information Systems in Arts and Humanities, St. Petersburg State University (position, surname, name, patronymic) The theme of the final qualifying work is "Multimedia technologies in the creation of the documentary film "Leningrad Jazz"". Moroshkin Semyon did the work of searching for information, archival materials and their selection, met the main character of the film, David Goloshchekin, and agreed with him on the structure of the film based on his interview. In the film, David Semenovich's story about the history of the creation of the Jazz Philharmonic is organically included in the historical excursus about the development of jazz in Leningrad. The personal story of the famous jazzman is of particular interest to the film. Semyon faced the problem of choosing interesting material for filming interviews for editing, which greatly exceeded the length of the film - more than two hours. This required the creation of episodes using multimedia technology. The diplomat has formed a complex pictorial series. Episodes of rare archival footage, unique photographs are woven into the pictorial range of the film with the help of editing transitions and special effects. The artistic solution of the visual sequence of the film was created at a professional level and fully presents the viewer with a complex semantic line of the film. It should be noted that the professional selection of musical episodes was decided professionally and did not affect the duration of the film about jazz. The presented text of Moroshkin's final qualifying work is a complete and complete presentation of the process and results of the work on the film. The diploma student, when performing complex work on the creation of the film "Leningrad Jazz", showed himself as a creative and independent person, as a specialist, well proficient in multimedia technologies. Professor, Department of Information Systems in Arts and Humanities Signature __________________ (Borisov N.V.) “__25___ Больше информации об этом исходном текстеЧтобы получить дополнительную информацию, введите исходный текст Отправить отзыв Боковые панели