REVIEW OF THE HEAD OF THE FINAL QUALIFYING WORK The topic of the final qualifying work: "Features of the work of Chinese tour operators in the Russian Federation" Author (full name): Lei Alexander Apanovich Educational program "Organization of tourism activities with in-depth study of the Chinese language" Level: Bachelor's degree Supervisor: Natalia Vsevolodovna Zigern-Korn, St. Petersburg State University, Associate Professor of the Department of Regional Studies and International Tourism, Associate Professor, PhD Noted advantages of the work: The work of A.P. Lei is an original study devoted to topical issues of bilateral cooperation in the field of tourism of the Russian Federation and China. The work contains a project of an author's industrial tour to Mirny for Chinese tourists, the arguments in favor of the idea of such a tour are explained. The noted disadvantages of the work: Unfortunately, due to the extremely irrational use of time to perform the WRC, the work is more descriptive than research in nature. The text is replete with stylistic and grammatical errors. Supervisor's conclusion: LEI Alexander Panovich's final qualifying work "Peculiarities of the work of Chinese tour operators in the Russian Federation" can be admitted to the defense and evaluated as satisfactory only with successful defense.