REVIEW OF THE SCIENTIFIC ADVISER for the final qualifying work of a 5th year student of 524 groups Faculty of Dentistry and Medical Technology St. Petersburg State University specialty 060201 – Dentistry Tarasova Angelina Yurievna TOPIC: "The usage of digital design in the planning of aesthetic restoration of the frontal group of teeth." In her work, Angelina Tarasova demonstrated the digital design advantages for aesthetic restorations of the anterior group of teeth using the Smile creator Exocad module as an example. The author substantiated a set of algorithms aimed at improving the effectiveness of orthopedic treatment using the principles of digital design. The main aspects of this issue are presented in the review of the literature used in the study. The work has a clearly defined goal and objectives. The main part consists of a description of the patients involved in the examination and research methods, as well as the results. Based on the results of the study, a conclusion was formulated, as well as a number of conclusions arising from the tasks set. Throughout the work, a clear position of the author is clearly revealed, based both on her own research and on the studied materials of the works of modern authors. Student Tarasova A.Yu. showed the ability to competently, logically reason, summarize the gained knowledge and their further application in practice. All clinical studies were carried out by student Tarasova A.Yu. independently, under the guidance of the staff of the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry, Faculty of Stomatology and Medical Technologies, St. Petersburg State University, according to a mutually developed plan. This final qualifying study meets the requirements for similar studies in the direction of "Dentistry" in terms of structure and design . The work is well written and concise. The material is well structured and presented consistently. The student showed a sufficient level of knowledge of theoretical and practical material. I believe that Tarasova Angelina Yuryevna's final qualification work is a completed research work and is allowed for defense and deserves a positive assessment. Scientific adviser: Candidate of Medical Sciences, medical assistant, Department of Orthopedic Dentistry, Faculty of Stomatology and Medical Technologies, St. Petersburg State University Zhdanyuk Igor Vladimirovich "31" May 2022 Zhdanyuk I.V.