FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION ST. PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY feedback the head of the final qualifying work IV - year student Grafskaya Anastasia Dmitrievna Direction 09.03.03 "Applied informatics" Main educational program "Applied informatics in the field of arts and humanities" Supervisor: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Pavel Petrovich Shcherbakov The topic of the final qualifying work is "Development of the computer game «Escape from the immemorial forest»". Content: This work is devoted to the creation of a computer game of the narrative genre "Escape from the immemorial forest" based on the plots of Slavic mythology. The main stages of the work: As a style of presentation of the material, the style of an interactive visual novel was chosen with the addition of mini-games of various genres to the main narrative to reveal the characters of the main characters. To implement the tasks, Anastasia Dmitrievna conducted an analysis of existing analogues. Having decided on the main style direction, Anastasia selected the characters of Slavic mythology and formed the main plot of the future visual novel and the genres of auxiliary mini-games. In the process of analyzing the feasibility and methods of implementing the final application, the documents necessary for the transition to the specific development of the project were formed: an abstract, a painting of the plot, a detailed literary script, technical tasks for the artist and 3D modeler, an exhaustive list of episodes, possible genre types and game mechanics necessary for their implementation was formulated. Based on this list, the Unity3D platform was chosen as the software development environment. Based on the developed documents, the student created scene templates for all episodes and intermediate scenes, software scripts that implement mechanics for all types of mini-games and the main narrative. In the process of doing the work, the student demonstrated the ability to independently solve complex problems in the field of computer game development. She gained experience in implementing the project at all stages, starting from the search and analysis of references corresponding to the specified stylistic solutions and ending with the development of the script and writing software scripts that implement the specified functionality of the application. All these stages of development are described in detail by Anastasia in her graduation paper, the supporting documents created by the student at the preliminary stage are placed in appendices. Evaluation: In the process of work, Count Anastasia Dmitrievna proved herself as an established professional who is able to solve complex of difficult technical and creative tasks. She will be able to successfully apply the acquired knowledge and skills in various fields. The final work speaks of Anastasia's high professional level and creative potential. I believe that the work of Count Anastasia Dmitrievna fully meets all the requirements for final qualifying works, and deserves high praise. Signature_________________________________( Shcherbakov P.P.) “_27_” ___May___ 2022