Saint Petersburg State University The main educational program "Painting". Review of the supervisor for the final qualifying work of the student Kralina Svetlana Maksimovna “Hypatia. The first woman philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, teacher. The graduate student chose an extremely non-trivial topic for her graduation project. The story of a woman who was able to challenge the time, became an outstanding scientist and thinker of her time and died at the hands of fanatics. Svetlana set herself a very difficult task, painting a picture on a historical plot. Such skills, unfortunately, are mostly lost in modern art. As a young and modern person, Svetlana tried to pass this story through her personal perception. I can not say that the work was easy. The search for the image of the protagonist occupied the bulk of the preparation of the WRC. An important component of the work is the study of the material culture of the time period of the Roman Empire, in which the heroine lived. Subtle color, good professional training distinguishes this thesis. I would like to note the strict adherence of the author to his plan. This is a very important quality for an artist. The formation of a personal author's style is a very complex and important process, and Svetlana is confidently following this path. The author showed himself as a logically thinking, creative person, a gifted director, diligent and hardworking. As a manager, it was interesting for me to work with Svetlana. In the future, I would like to wish the graduate on his creative path not to deviate from those topics that correspond to the personal feelings and experiences of the young artist. Head of the graduation project: Tsymbal Irina Valerievna. Больше информации об этом исходном текстеЧтобы получить дополнительную информацию, введите исходный текст Отправить отзыв Боковые панели