Feedback for study Zarya V.A. "The effectivity of the segmental endobronchial valve treatment in patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis" In recent years, both worldwide and in the Russian Federation, the number of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis with multiple (MDR) and extremal drug resistance (XDR) of the M. tuberculosis has been increasing. Most cases of tuberculosis with MDR and almost all cases of tuberculosis with XDR are destructive forms in which lung cavities persist for a long time. Due to surgical methods of treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis are widely used, including endobronchial valve treatment (EBT). The most common is lobar EBT, accompanied by hypoventilation of a significant part of the lung tissue that is not involved in the pathological process. Which negatively affects the function of external respiration and can worsen the quality of life of patients. The use of segmental endobronchial valve treatment for patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis within one segment may be promising. The aim of study Zarya V.A. was to evaluate the segmental endobronchial valve treatment effectivity in the complex treatment of patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis. Valeria Alekseevna managed to competently develop a research program: the problem was clearly formulated, the tasks and methods of research were defined. The author analyzed 58 literature sources, 41 of them are foreign authors, with generalizations and conclusions, comparisons and evaluation of them. During the study, Zarya V.A. compiled an electronic database of patients, independently carried out statistical processing of the results obtained, while she managed to demonstrate the ability to systematize and analyze her own scientific data. She was able to demonstrate the ability to systematize and analyze the available scientific data. The collected materials are fully consistent with the aims and objectives of the research I believe that the final qualifying work of Zarya V.A. "The effectivity of the segmental endobronchial valve treatment in patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis" can be presented for protection. Assistant professor of Medical faculty, Saint- Petersburg University E.A. Torkatiuk