REVIEW OF THE SUPERVISOR for the Final qualifying work of a 6th year student Faculty of Medicine, St. Petersburg State University Gladyshev Nikita Sergeevich (specialty 060101 "Medicine") on the topic: "HELICOBACTER PYLORI INFECTION AND MICROBIOTA OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT" Helicobacter pylori is found in the stomach microbiota of about half of the world's population. Most H. pylori carriers do not cause serious illness, while others are diagnosed with gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, which develops in 5–10% of carriers, and two types of cancer: gastric adenocarcinoma and gastric MALT lymphoma. To date, the factors leading to the development of the disease are well studied, but the so-called "African" or "Asian" phenomenon, the essence of which lies in the fact that in Africa and South Asia, the incidence of stomach cancer is much lower than in other countries, remains unclear. Thus, the study of the relationship between H. pylori and the rest of the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract is a very topical issue. Final qualifying work Gladysheva N.S. aimed to study the effect of Helicobacter pylori on the microbiota of the human gastrointestinal tract. The final qualifying work was done by Nikita Sergeevich on the basis of the Institute of Experimental Medicine in the laboratory of biomedical microecology. Nikita Sergeevich successfully analyzed 102 literature sources, demonstrating the ability to work with scientific literature, correctly formulated the purpose and objectives of the study. The undoubted advantage of the work is the independent setting of experimental studies. In addition, it should be noted that in the course of the experiments, the author mastered various methods of working with microorganisms. The advantage of the work is also its practical orientation and competent analysis of the results of its own research and data from world literature. The research results presented in the work are convincing, the conclusions are scientifically substantiated and follow logically from the tasks set. Statistical processing of the obtained results was performed using adequate methods. During the work Gladyshev N.S. proved to be a competent specialist capable of independent scientific work. During the period of completion of the final qualifying work on research materials, the author published 7 printed works, the results of research were reported at 3 conferences, 1 application for a patent for an invention was filed. In the course of the work, Nikita Sergeevich demonstrated the ability to quickly master a large amount of information, a high level of knowledge, as well as the ability to independently analyze the data obtained. I believe that the final qualifying work of Nikita Sergeevich Gladyshev is a complete scientific research and can be admitted for defense. June 02, 2022 Scientific adviser: Associate Professor of the Department normal physiology Faculty of Medicine, St. Petersburg State University PhD Orlova O.G.