Feedback for study Shishkina T.S. CLINICAL AND RADIOLOGICAL FEATURES OF PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS IN COMBINATION WITH EMPHYSEMA In recent years, there has been an acute problem of a combination of pulmonary tuberculosis and COPD. Pulmonary tuberculosis is a frequent concomitant pathology in patients with COPD, on the other hand, the long course of pulmonary tuberculosis often contribute to the development of chronic lund diseases. Many authors note the synergistic interaction of pulmonary tuberculosis, smoking and COPD in the global population. One of the most common COPD phenotypes is emphysema. Pulmonary emphysema occurs with a frequency of 3-5% in the general population, revealing stable trends both to an increase in morbidity and to an increase in mortality. The aim of study is to identify the features of the clinical course, laboratory changes and X-ray picture of the pulmonary tuberculosis with pulmonary emphysema. The author managed to competently develop a research program: the problem was formulated, the tasks and methods of research were defined. Tatiana Sergeevna analyzed 76 literary sources, with generalizations and conclusions, comparisons and evaluation of various points of view. During the study, T.S. Shishkina compiled an electronic database of patients, independently carried out statistical processing of the results.She was able to demonstrate the ability to systematize and analyze the available scientific data. The collected materials are fully consistent with the aims and objectives of the research. I believe that study of Shishkina T.S. "Clinical and radiological features of pulmonary tuberculosis in combination with emphysema" can be presented for protection. Assistant professor of Medical faculty, Saint- Petersburg University E.A. Torkatiuk