REVIEW scientific adviser on the final qualifying work of a master's student of the Faculty of Sociology of St. Petersburg State University Denisov Ivan Igorevich "Formation of the tourist attractiveness of the Karelian Isthmus as the basis for communication between local residents and tourists" in the direction of preparation 39.04.01 "Sociology" in the main educational program of the master's program ВМ.5589.2019 "Sociology" Final qualifying work I.I. Denisov is devoted to the problem of interaction between local residents and tourists in the communicative space of the local territory in the aspect of increasing the tourist attractiveness of the Karelian Isthmus. Despite the fact that this topic has a clear applied value, it stimulates the development of a sociological analysis of cultural and communicative practices (typical socio-cultural interactions) of representatives of local communities and temporary tourist groups and communities. The study of this topic is carried out at the junction of different branches of social knowledge. In the communicative space of the territory, in particular, the Karelian Isthmus, which is involved in an active tourism industry, a new situation is emerging of the demand for programs to form tourist attractiveness as a communicative and economic capital of the region. The tasks of analysis and assessment of the potential for interaction between modern tourists and the local population, set in the study, are linked to the practical orientation of disseminating the results obtained in the territories of significant tourist destinations in Russia. The object of Denisov's research is the interaction of local residents of the Karelian Isthmus and tourists visiting significant settlements of a tourist destination, the subject is the influence of the communicative space on the practices of interaction between local residents and tourists, the goal is to identify the features of the formation of the tourist attractiveness of the Karelian Isthmus through the communicative practices of tourists and local residents. The first chapter "Tourist and recreational orientation" deals with the development of tourism on the territory of the Karelian Isthmus, in general terms, its natural, cultural and historical heritage is characterized by the example of the settlements of the Karelian Isthmus as a tourist cluster. In the second chapter "Communicative space of the Karelian Isthmus", the data obtained by the author on the attitude of the local population to the "new wave" of tourists are analyzed and a description of the image of a resident of the Karelian Isthmus through the eyes of a tourist is given. The paper gives a brief analysis of the theoretical approaches of the sociological and geographical direction (the concept of J. Urry, Z. Bauman, etc.) of the stated problems and collects some empirical material based on interviews. In the course of the study of the phenomenon of tourism as a social practice, an idea is given of tourists and local residents of the Karelian Isthmus. The paper notes that there is no single theoretical and methodological approach to substantiate the essence of interaction in the communicative space of local residents and tourists as a system of social practice. The author received a number of conclusions of a socio-philosophical nature. According to Denisov, it is the socio-philosophical analysis that makes it possible to most fully explore tourism as an integral socio-cultural phenomenon, as a type of social practice, as a special way of mastering and structuring space at the level of the individual and the individual in various models of society. The author uses literary domestic and foreign sources in the amount of 40 titles, electronic resources. Conducted by I.I. Denisov's work and the results obtained by him testify to the necessary level of research qualification, creative independence and analytical skills. The author successfully coped with the tasks of conducting research and writing a final qualifying work. In general, the presented work of Denisov meets the requirements for qualifying works in the direction of the master's program and deserves a positive assessment. Scientific adviser, prof., Ph.D. n., head. Department of Sociology of Culture and Communication, Faculty of Sociology, St. Petersburg State University Kozlovskii V.V. 05.25.2022