Pochivalov Aleksei Sergeevich started working at the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Institute of Chemistry of St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU) in 2013 as a second-year undergraduate student. After completing his undergraduate and graduate studies, he was enrolled in PhD program of St. Petersburg State University and continued his scientific work aimed at developing new approaches for the microextraction of pharmaceutical substances. Based on the results of the research, a dissertation was prepared on the topic: " Microextraction in pharmaceutical analysis of antibacterial and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs" for the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences in the speciality 14.04.02 - pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy. During the execution of the dissertation work Pochivalov A.S. showed good theoretical training and skills in experimental work, allowing him to independently apply a complex of physicochemical methods of analysis (liquid chromatography with various detection, fluorimetry, spectrophotometry, flow and chemiluminescent methods of analysis, etc.), as well as interpret and systematize the results obtained. He also demonstrated good skills in working with literature, relying on them in solving scientific problems. Scientific work of Pochivalov A.S. has been successfully tested. The results obtained within the framework of the dissertation work are presented in the form of 7 articles in international high-ranking journals, as well as 12 abstracts of oral and poster presentations at All-Russian and international conferences, which have been repeatedly awarded diplomas. Pochivalov A.S. three times became the winner of the St. Petersburg grant competition for students, graduate students, young scientists, young Candidates of Sciences (in 2015, 2016 and 2017). In addition, he received a grant for a scholarship under the program of the International Visegrad Foundation at the Pavel Josef Šafarik University (Košice, Slovakia) in 2016, completed a scholarship at the University of Warmia and Mazury (Olsztyn, Poland) in 2017 and was one of the performers of the President of the Russian Federation and the RFBR grants, as well as the head of the RFBR grant. During the work, the applicant showed such personal qualities as conscientiousness, attentiveness, purposefulness and responsiveness. Taking into account the foregoing, I believe that Pochivalov A.S. is a well-formed young scientist and deserves to be awarded the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences in the speciality 14.04.02 - pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy.