Review of the thesis Shi Chuan "Chinese fisherman" Thesis Chi Chuan is dedicated to traditional Chinese fishing - fishing with cormorants. This centuries-old tradition exists in China today, but the artist interprets the scene in the historical and ethnographic way. In his painting he depicted the student fishing at night, which allowed him to use artificial lighting and rich dark color, immersing the pieces in a tense environment and the color gives the whole scene a sense of mystery. The central character pictures - old fisherman, embodies a typical collective image. The compositional structure of the canvas, the decision silhouettes, sophisticated lighting, combining the warm light of the lamp and the cold flicker of the night sky can be marked as successfully found an artist. The attention to the texture of objects, different quality of their surfaces significantly enriches the artistic possibilities of the canvas. Selecting a square format gives the compositional structure stability and clarity, however, a few narrows the perception of space and air content. Ph.D. in History of Arts, Member of the Russian Artists' Union S.S.Ershova