Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Biology in RGPU. Herzen Candidate of Biological Sciences Berezantseva M. S. for a graduate qualification work of student of 6th course of the evening department St. Petersburg State University Faculty of Psychology, majoring 030 302 - Clinical Psychology Mitrofanova E. V. Topic of research: "Features of work of the "DEFAULT-SYSTEM" of the brain at patients with neurotic disorders." Graduate qualification work is devoted to the research of the brain default mode network among group of people with diagnosed neurotic disorder, compared with the group of conditionally healthy people. DMN – is a network of structures of the brain, which is active, when person is in a state of passive wakefulness and is not busy with any cognitive activity. The study of this system itself is very critical to the development and deepening concepts about the brain during various kinds of activity: attention, memory and emotion, and others. Mitrofanova E. V. set the goal to study the features of functioning of the brain default mode network between patients with neurotic disorders. This approach is definitely relevant to the framework of the chosen specialty. Research of the brain default mode network was conducted in a variety of clinical cases, usually characterized as irreversible, such as schizophrenia, autism, attention deficit disorder, Alzheimer's disease. Due to this, research of patients with neurotic disorders, which are in a stage of remission, is especially interesting. This study includes all the necessary sections. The introduction gives us: a brief description of the problem, formulated hypothesis, set research objectives and tasks, as well as the methods used are listed. The first chapter contains the analysis of published data. It shows us the history of the phenomenon. It describes present methods of investigating DMN. According to published sources, brain structures, that become active when a person goes into a passive state of wakefulness, were revealed during this research. Also, in the first chapter is given a significant attention to the features of functioning of DMN in clinical cases. The second chapter contains a description of the organization of the experiment, the characteristics of the sample and the methods used in the study. Author apply a set of methods to determine the psycho-physiological state subjects, to analyze their emotional state, level of neuroticism and style of self-regulation of behavior. To study the activity of brain structures was used electroencephalography. Choosing of this method is substantiated by student in Chapter 1. Not entirely clear, with what purpose author duplicated the goals, objectives, subject and hypothesis of the research, which were previously described in the introduction. Description of the experimental procedure does not specify, that of the 240 seconds, that continues the experiment, 120 seconds subject spend in silence, and the next 120 seconds listen to audio stimulation. The third chapter presents the results of multivariate data analysis of variance (MANOVA). These results allowing author to divide the subjects from each group to the "context-dependent" and "context-dependent", are very interesting. These subgroups significantly differ in the EEG results. The ideas, expressed by the author in a discussion of these differences, seem to be original and noteworthy. The description of the factor "frequency range of the EEG" contains an inaccuracy. Author writes about the 6 EEG frequency ranges, but describes only 5. Author's discussions about optimal level of brain functioning are a bit vague. It remains unclear, how to determine the optimal level, in comparison with which being discussed changes in the structures of the brain. The work ends with conclusions, that clearly formulated and reasonable in accordance with the content and research results. The entire work is written clearly and precisely, well-illustrated with tables and graphs. Bibliography contains 50 sources, 41 of which are in foreign languages. Graduate qualification work made by Mitrofanova E. V. is original study, significant in theoretical and practical aspects. This study corresponds to the requirements, which apply to the graduate qualification works, and deserves "excellent". Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Biology RGPU Herzen Candidate of Biological Sciences Berezantseva M. S.