The review of the supervisor On the final qualifying work of the 6 course’s student Of the psychology faculty of Saint-Petersburg State University, internally-extramural branch, specialty «Clinical psychology» A.A.Perminova Topic of work: "Features of social and psychological adaptation of persons who are prone to eating disorders." The relevance of the study confirmed a significant increase in eating disorders (ED) in the general population, especially among young people, the negative impact of the violations on all spheres of social functioning, in combination with extremely low motivation for treatment among this group of individuals. A.A. Perminova has focused on the study of social and psychological adaptation of persons from the general population at high risk for ED in relation to the characteristics of persons with a verified diagnosis of ED, seeking medical help and receiving adequate treatment, as this aspect is not sufficiently studied. A.A. Perminova studied the extensive literature on the subject of eating disorders. From the 4th course she was involved in an experimental psychological study of persons from the general population on the basis of the survey on the Internet. The process of collecting the material was accompanied by certain difficulties, but the student has overcome them, demonstrating at the same time the necessary skills, flexibility and creativity. The second stage examined patients with verified diagnosis of ED in the treatment process, and the partially used data on patients who received integrated treatment over the years from the database Branch biopsychosocial rehabilitation of mentally ill NIPNI them. V.M. Bechterev. Sufficient in terms of empirical data was collected, the student processed and analyzed it carefully. A.A. Perminov differences with - balanced character, high empathy, optimism, high cognitive activity, allowing the full intellectual potential and showing a deep orientation of the studied problem. In the course of this study, the student managed to get a new and interesting scientific data on the socio-psychological adaptation of individuals from the general population at high risk for ED. The results of data matching in the two groups studied, allowed to substantiate the need for a new level of general education in online communities as well as to clarify the problem among the professionals called upon to assist in the various stages of mental disorders. In this regard, noted the work of A.A. Perminova over the degree project can be assessed as "excellent". Scientific adviser: PhD, Associate Professor Guseva O.V.